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Yesterday was the Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in New Taipei City’s Pingxi District and [...]
Ça fait maintenant 6 mois que je suis à Taipei, Taiwan. J’ai passé par [...]
I have been in Taipei for almost 6 months, so it was about time [...]
2 Commentaires
Je suis à Taipei, Taiwan depuis déjà 5 mois et il en reste encore [...]
2 Commentaires
The first time I visited the S Hotel in Taipei, I was participating in [...]
Bonjour tout le monde! On commence notre 8e semaine à Taipei, Taiwan; déjà presque 2 [...]
The Grand Hyatt Taipei, with its 853 rooms, is the largest hotel in the [...]
Having not had yet a single decent drink for three weeks since I have [...]
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a month that I am in Taipei, Taiwan. [...]
Ça y est, Ethan et moi avons emménagé dans notre appartement des 6 prochains [...]